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Exploring Use Cases and the Impact of Blockchain for Climate Resilience

CIFAR Alliance

May 18, 2023

Insights and Innovations in Combating Climate Change

Blockchain has the potential to be a powerful tool for addressing climate change.  By bridging real-world data through ‘oracles,’ it can incentivize participation in global green initiatives. During this Brown Bag session, our esteemed speakers: Gabriela Chang Valdovinos (Co-Founder and CSO, EthicHub), Jahed Momand (Managing Partner, Cerulean Ventures), Nelly Ramírez Moncada (CIFAR Alliance, Secretariat) and David del Ser (CIO, BFA Global) shed light on the potential of smart contracts running on blockchains to combat climate change. These contracts enable globally accessible and automated incentive systems, rewarding sustainable practices such as regenerative agriculture, carbon offsets, and crop insurance. 

Key takeaways:

  • Blockchain technology enables seamless global collaboration in addressing climate change, transcending geographical boundaries, and fostering collective action

  • By leveraging blockchain, stakeholders can ensure transparency and verifiability in environmental initiatives, enhancing trust and accountability within the ecosystem

  • Blockchain-based solutions have the potential to scale rapidly and become accessible to a wide range of participants, democratizing access to green initiatives and amplifying their impact

  • The integration of blockchain technology with climate change initiatives can lead to tangible real-world impact, paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient future for generations to come

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