Some ideas to think of:
(Taken from the Report: Fintech for climate resilience: a compendium of startup innovations building resilience in emerging markets, by the CIFAR Alliance, Investors Working Group)
Abalobi, Sustainable fishery Marketplace
Abalobi is a fishers’ cooperative in South Africa that began as an environmental intervention to support and preserve small-scale fisheries. The team now boasts a platform co-designed with fishers to log their catch, manage fisheries, track processing, and interface with buyers.
Bekia, Tech-enabled waste collection and recycling
Bekia is a tech-enabled waste collection solution that enables companies and households to exchange their waste (plastic, paper, electronics, metals, cooking oil) in exchange for a financial incentive that is paid into a digital wallet.
Cloud to Street, Predicting flood risk for insurance
Cloud to Street uses flood models and satellite data to underwrite parametric flood insurance policies. Their data analytics platform can predict the size and damage of flood risk, and map floods in high-resolution, in real-time, anywhere on earth, using direct observation — at a fraction of the cost of traditional models.
Meridia, Unlocking land value for climate-vulnerable farmers
Meridia is an end-to-end solution for land and property documentation in emerging markets. By providing formal land titles, Meridia gives smallholder farmers tenure security and the opportunity to access tools to improve their livelihoods and expand production. Meridia also delivers value to huge agribusinesses given their extensive dataset of 10,000s of land parcels.
Pula, Reimagining the landscape of agricultural insurance
Pula designs and delivers innovative agricultural insurance and digital products to help smallholder farmers manage yield risks, improve farming practices, and grow their incomes over time. Pula’s unique offering is that they distribute the product through partners engaged in increasing farmer resilience, strengthening the entire value chain. As of June 2021, Pula has 70 distribution partners, 49 insurance partners, and 21 reinsurance partners.
Topl, Radically rethinking supply chain traceability
Topl is a blockchain protocol that provides traceability and transparency into how businesses engage with, prove, market, and monetize sustainable practices. There is a huge opportunity to empower companies to build brand equity by demonstrating new ways they extend value to workers at origin, improve accountability above smallholder farmers, and push back against ‘greenwashing’.
Gramcover, De-risking rural livelihoods with affordable insurance
Gramcover is an insurtech that offers an “assisted digital” marketplace of customized insurance products for rural communities in India. Gramcover policies help smallholder farmers protect their income from external shocks including extreme weather events
Also : https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2022-04/nature-based-solutions-compendium.pdf