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A Case Study on OKO's Crop Insurance in Mali

Benjamin Mazzotta

Dec 15, 2023

Impact Investment in Climate-Resilient Drought Insurance

In Mali, where droughts affect 400,000 people annually and result in $9.5 million of lost crop earnings, OKO offers a lifeline by providing crop insurance to smallholder farmers. To measure the impact of its services, OKO tracks the number of policies sold, the overall value of the crop insurance policies it sells, and the number of payouts made. In addition, OKO tracks the resulting changes in the amount farmers invest in their farms and the increased access to credit obtained by farmers. Together, these metrics reflect both the downside mitigation and upside potential the insurance coverage creates. OKO’s ability to track impact was critical in securing investment from Katapult, an early-stage climate investor.

Learn more in our Case Study

OKO Case Study
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Rosita Najmi, Head Global Social Innovation, PayPal

“At PayPal, we believe in the potential of digital finance to enable disadvantaged communities and populations build climate resilience and thrive in the global net-zero economy. We look forward to ongoing collaboration with our CIFAR Alliance partners to enable responsible technological and inclusive financial innovations that create economic opportunity for climate-vulnerable populations around the world.”
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