CIFAR Alliance
Jan 27, 2023
Seeing further together
The CIFAR Alliance emerged fully in the course of 2022 as a vibrant,
member-led and decentralized forum for knowledge-building and
action. From its roots in the DF4CR Initiative, the core members started
the year with an intentional process defined by a common vision,
commitments to tangible and coordinated action, and intentional
membership outreach and growth.
The Alliance that continues to emerge from this living process brings an
unusual combination of complementary but diverse perspectives and
expertise, with an ability and willingness to align to a transparent,
collaborative knowledge and solutions-building process aimed at a
single driving common goal - to materially improve the ability of
vulnerable communities to not only survive but thrive in the ongoing
reality of climate transformation on our planet, through joint action to
prioritize capital and innovation toward this overarching goal.
This report captures in summary the evolving storyline of the emergent
CIFAR Alliance in 2022, enabled by the continued partnership and
catalytic support of PayPal and the team members who have proved to
be essential founders and partners of this emerging movement.
Download the report